Intellectual Property

Discover tailored legal solutions designed to maximise the value of your intellectual property with fifth9. Our team of specialists provides strategic guidance to protect and optimise your IP assets for business success. Whether you’re safeguarding sensitive information, establishing IP rights, handling transactions, or preventing online brand abuse, we offer personalised advice to meet your unique needs.
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs): Protect your confidential information. We draft and negotiate NDAs to safeguard sensitive business information during collaborations and negotiations.
  • Establishing and Protecting IP Rights: We assist in establishing and protecting various forms of intellectual property, including:
  • Passing Off Claims: Defend your brand against unfair competition. We advise on passing off claims to protect your goodwill and reputation.
  • IP Sales and Purchase: Facilitate IP transactions. Our team handles IP sales and purchases, ensuring legal compliance and maximising value for buyers and sellers.
  • Database Rights: Understand and leverage database rights to protect your data assets and prevent unauthorised use.
  • Cybersquatting Prevention: Protect your brand online. We advise on cybersquatting issues and strategies to reclaim domain names.
  • IPR Commissioning Agreements: Secure ownership of commissioned works. We draft agreements that clarify ownership and rights related to commissioned intellectual property.
  • Assignments and Licensing: Monetise your IP assets through assignments and licensing agreements. We negotiate and draft contracts that facilitate the transfer or licensing of intellectual property rights.

Experience the Value of Effective IP Management

Partner with Fifth9 to protect and exploit your intellectual property assets effectively. Contact us today for a consultation to discuss how we can support your IP goals and enhance your competitive advantage.